Welcome to EAA Chapter 430
Serving the Clallam County Flying Community since 1972
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 430 is a group of aviation enthusiasts located in Clallam County, Washington and surrounding areas, about 50 miles northwest of Seattle, on the northern Olympic Peninsula.
We are dedicated to having fun with aircraft.
Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certificates (MOSAIC) Preview Released New Light Sport Rules Coming!
Click here to read more about Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certificates
Time left to submit comments on FAA Modernization:
How to Be Sheriff and Still Find Time To Fly – Dave Miller’s Master Pilot.
Shinji Maeda, husband, father, survivor, pilot, CFI, Engineer, earth rounder, good friend to general aviation made and outstanding presentation on May 27 to Chapter 430.
Our recent Flying Start event was held on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 1pm at CLM (Port Angeles Airport Terminal Building).Our first Flying Start program was in 2022 and continues to grow. Dave Woodcock presented a very entertaining PowerPoint with comments from others in the room. Cecilia Aragon gave a great discussion concerning her personal experience, and flight instruction and aerobatic flight. Dave discussed multiple types of personal aviation, and the afternoon ended with an aircraft review on the ramp.
EAA 430 (unofficial) May 18 Flyout to Skagit
The May flyout to Skagit Landing at the Skagit Regional Airport drew 8 aircraft and 11 hungry flyers. It is important to make reservations at this restaurant and we did so, paving the way for our reception. Early morning weather produced some low clouds and fog, but nothing was left but a few scattered clouds by the time of our flights. The lunchtime temperature was 65º and skies were clear
EAA Chapter 430 (Sequim, WA) Invitational POKER RUN 2022
EAA Chapter 430 (Sequim, WA) hosted a Poker Run in July, open to EAA members. Participating pilots flew to the following five airports, each of which has a Washington Pilots Association (WPA) Passport station with passport stamps.
Barry Halsted, our fly out chair, conducted a Poker Run during the month of July. I know you all received several notifications about it, so no details here. We had 8 successful completions of the run:
Cecilia Aragon
Harry Cook
Tracy Halsted
Barry Halsted
Todd Taylor
Ernie Hansen
Jeanne Hansen
John Ward
Several participants purchased extra cards in hopes of improving their hand, and our net proceeds were $225.00!
First place winner was Cecilia Aragon! Cecilia won $45 (20% of the pot) plus a $75 gift certificate to DuPuis restaurant in Port Angeles! Cecilia’s winning hand was two pair.
Second place winner was Harry Cook, with a pair of Aces. Harry also won $45.
The eight participants were treated to the Burger Bash, so $40 of the proceeds got donated back to EAA to cover their meals. This left $95 net proceeds, which were donated to the EAA 430 Building Fund.
The poker run is a lot of fun, and I hope that next year more will participate. If you have any ideas on what would make you more likely to participate, please let Barry know (barryhalsted@aol.com).
Tracy Halsted
EAA 430 Treasurer
EAA Chapter 430 supports the reopening of Cypress Island Airfield.
Click here for more about Cypress Island Airfield
This was an important training exercise for Emergency preparedness. Ray Ballantyne and other EAA volunteers are shown in the following slideshow. Ken Brown was the safety officer Skip was the photographer!
Thank you to Madeline Patterson for building an EAA 430 sign and Rick and Jim Bess for the EAA 430 chair build. The sign and chair traveled 1400+ miles by truck to be at OSK.
Chapter Fun
Recognition Project
Purchase your memorial paver today.
Please contact Ray Ballantine directly for all orders for $200 or $400 pavers. That way he can provide the logos we have already developed. (360) 808-6767 or Ray.Ballantyne@gmail.com.
A new page has been added with FAA Basic Medical Information
Have you checked the BOD Business Pages? Board minutes, financial reports and the ability to request a PICTURE DIRECTORY. Put a face with the name.
North to Alaska Adventure Story